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Icon of harmful bacteria and fungiIcon of harmful bacteria and fungi

For people living with CGD, there are certain cells in their body that are not able to do their job the right way and fight off infections. Without that protection, the body is more likely to get infections, which can be serious* and life-threatening.

*An infection is serious if you have to go to the hospital and/or get intravenous (IV) antibiotics.

CGD can affect multiple parts of the body:


Illustration of where chronic granulomatous disease can affect the body

Illustration of where chronic granulomatous disease can affect the body

Additional Symptoms

Icon representing joint pain

Joint pain or swelling

Icon of skin with rash

Skin rashes

Icon of stomach with ulcers


Icon representing a person with fatigue

Chronic fatigue

Icon representing a person with feelings of anxiety and/or depression

Anxiety or depression

Icon representing pneumonia


Icon representing sensitivity to the sun

Sensitivity to the sun

X-linked carriers can experience many of these symptoms, which can progress over time. Carriers can also get infections, just like their children with CGD. Carrier symptoms can sometimes be mistaken for lupus since that condition affects the immune system as well. If an X-linked carrier is experiencing any of these symptoms, make note of them and talk to a doctor.

Icon of stethoscope

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