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Icon of blood in test tubes for dihydrorhodamine (DHR) testingIcon of blood in test tubes for dihydrorhodamine (DHR) testing

The DHR test is a blood test that can be ordered through your doctor.

The DHR test can provide a lot of information along with a CGD diagnosis:

Icon of DNA double helix with affected area

Type of CGD

Icon of X-linked CGD carrier and non-affected woman

If someone is a carrier

Icon of test tube representing extended family testing

If other family members should be tested

Results of a DHR test will be kept between whoever is tested and their doctor. Results usually take about 2 weeks after the blood work is done. If someone has CGD or is a carrier, their doctor may monitor their DHR test results over time, since DHR values can change as people age.

What do the DHR test results mean?

The DHR results can help the doctor understand someone’s risk for serious* infections and help guide their treatment plan. It is important to note that infections and serious infections may occur in any patient regardless of DHR result.

Talk to your doctor about the DHR test so they can evaluate you to determine if it’s the right option. A DHR test must be ordered through your doctor. You can also share this video about the DHR testing process with your doctor. 

*An infection is serious if you have to go to the hospital and/or get intravenous (IV) antibiotics.

Icon representing the dihydrorhodamine (DHR) test

DHR tests are available

Set up an appointment online to connect with a healthcare provider to learn more about CGD testing.

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